Why we choose Shaklee Soy:
A complete protein containing all of the 9 essential amino acids is essential for long-term human health (Shaklee’s soy contains all 9 essential amino acids). It’s not the protein that is important; it’s the amino acid content of the protein that is important. Further; these Amino Acids are in the same balance as found in the human body.
- Enzymes are essential for protein utilization (when protein is heated to 110° the enzymes are destroyed. The enzymes are necessary for protein utilization. That is why Shaklee does not go over room temperature when producing the product.
- Phyto-chemicals and Phyto-estrogen, which are essential for maximum human health, are not found in animal protein. Although they are not nutrients like vitamins and minerals, scientists believe these plant chemicals show much promise in the prevention of cancer.
- Producing an alkaline condition in the body improves the immune system and reduces the chance of viral and bacterial growth. An acid condition, which is produced when meat and dairy products are eaten, reduces the immune system, increases the level of viral and bacterial growth and will lead to many problems. Soy products are result in an alkaline ash helping to create the alkaline condition essential for long-term health.
- Extracting the protein isolate from Soy using a water wash to maintain the phyto-chemicals and phyto-estrogens in the soy. Many companies use alcohol to wash their soy. Shaklee uses only water to wash the soy, which is why we have the highest levels of phyto-chemicals and phyto-estrogens in our soy.
- Shaklee soy does not raise the blood sugar level. When we start the day by increasing our blood sugar levels we will experience blood level swings, which will cause us to be tired and irritable all day long.
- Animal protein takes too long to digest and as we get older it becomes difficult to properly digest meat, which leaves too much residual acid in the body. Meat contains too much saturated fat and cholesterol.
- Shaklee soy is very digestible, has only 25 calories per tablespoon, is very low in saturated fat, contains no cholesterol and quickly absorbs into the blood, which is very important in maintaining your blood amino levels.
- Most proteins take too long to digest to maintain the amino acid and protein level. The body then must attack the muscles. This is why we lose muscle mass during our lifetime. Shaklee soy is readily available to the blood.
- The lower the carbohydrate ratio to protein, the more valuable the protein is to the body. But, some carbohydrate must be present for the body to metabolize protein.
The quality of raw material that goes into soy products depends on the soil in which the soy is grown; the conditions under which soy is grown make a large difference in its value. (Also, Shaklee soy products are made from NON-GMO [genetically modified] soy plants.)
- Bio-available is a term, which refers to the ability of the body to use the food we eat. Simply, “Is the stuff on the label available to the cells?” All Shaklee products are clinically tested on people, not animals, to prove their components are in the blood stream and available to the cells. Most people can feel the effects of our Soy product within minutes of ingesting it. This feeling is confirmed by tests showing level of amino acids and protein levels in the blood.
- Blood amino acid levels play a tremendous role in maintaining health in the human body. We tend to eat large volumes of food because low blood amino acid levels are never satisfied by saturated foods which are high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. These will alter the body’s performance and never bring the body into balance.
- The storage cells in the body either store fat or protein. Using Shaklee protein daily can help maintain the protein in the storage cells. The body will always have a supply of amino acids stored, reducing muscle loss and fat storage.
- Protein can’t be utilized in our metabolism with out adequate B3, B6, potassium, phosphates, and carbohydrates. Most meals do not contain adequate amounts of the right levels of B and potassium, phosphates, or carbohydrates to properly utilize the protein we are eating. Our Shaklee soy is completely metabolized by the body for full utilization.
- Soybeans contain a full spectrum of natural phytochemical compounds that may have health benefits; compounds like phytates, phytosterols, saponins, phenolic acids and protease inhibitors. What really sets soy apart from other plant foods is a class of compounds called isoflavones.
- Soy is the highest quality protein available from nature. We are what we eat. Our health is going to be affected by the quality of protein we consume. Shaklee soy is the very best money can buy.
- Shaklee does 26 separate tests on every raw material that is used to insure the highest quality possible. If any one of the tests fails, the raw materials are rejected.
- Stress is the greatest factor in protein utilization in the body. Under stress the body’s demand for amino acids increases six times. Soy is so readily available to the body; it can help counter these changes. Other proteins just take too long to digest and do not supply an adequate amount of amino acids. So in most cases the body must attack the muscles to try and get the amino acids that are needed.
For more information or to order Shaklee Soy Protein visit our website.
Read my other blogs on Soy:
1. Is Soy Really as Unhealthy as You Think
2. 7 Tips for Choosing a Quality Soy Product