Let me explain, nutritionists, dietitians, and other experts agree our daily diets are far from perfect and throw our bodies out of balance when it comes to getting all the nutrients we need for optimum vitality. If you really research the issues—and believe me, I have!—you’d clearly see the need for eating more fruits and veggies, exercising more, and taking certain supplements. The supplements most experts agree we all could use include a balanced multivitamin/multimineral supplement to address common deficiencies; fish oil to help keep heart health in check; extra calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D for bone health; carotenoids and polyphenols (aka phytonutrients) for circulation, eye health, immunity, and antioxidant protection; B vitamins for energy metabolism; and probiotics for a healthy gut and immune system. Now that’s a ton of stuff, and it’s just plain inconvenient—which is why most people don’t do it.
I often found myself in a hurry and forgetting to either pull all my vitamins out for the day or forgetting to take them at all. What good is that! So, I tried lots of things, putting them in a baggie on Sunday for the week, but that became daunting there were so many! What’s a girl to do to help keep herself and her family healthy? And finally, Shaklee came out with Vitalizer! I’m a huge fan of our Vitalizer and I take it with dinner every day. I currently work 8-10 hours a day (not counting all the blackberry time), try to eat well, exercise when I can, throwing in some weights a couple times a week. On most weekends, I am running around getting all the shopping and cleaning done for the next week, plus fitting in fun family time with an active toddler. Vitalizer gives me all the nutrients I need to keep living my active and busy lifestyle. I actually feel like completely drained when I don’t get it.
Here are my top 5 reasons (and there are many more) for why I love Shaklee Vitalizer so much:
- Easy! Let’s face it, it’s easy to grab a vita strip for the day all in one convenient vita strip of 6 tablets taken once a day – need I say more.
- 80 bio-optimized nutrients, based on 55 years of nutritional science in one daily serving, with 12 patents and patents pending using the S.M.A.R.T delivery system. Shaklee spent years getting it right, not only to pull all of the above nutrients in an easy once-a-day program, but also to make sure that the right nutrients get absorbed in the right place in your intestinal tract. Not all nutrients are absorbed equally. Some are activated in the stomach (folic acid, B12, some minerals). Some cannot stand the stomach acid (probiotics). Some are absorbed too quickly so they need a slow release (B vitamins, vitamin C). And some are best released in the very upper intestine (fish oil). Nobody ever thought of grouping all these nutrients accordingly into differently releasing tablets or capsules. Well Shaklee did it and I am so thankful for that.
- No added flavors, sweeteners, preservatives – no explanation needed here! Who wants that extra unnecessary crap – not me.
- 1000+ quality tests ever time Vitalizer is made, plus based on 12 Clinical Studies. Shaklee does their own internal quality assurance testing of raw materials and final products to make sure the products are safe, have what they say they have in them and are consistent. Vitalizer is also based on 12 clinical studies and a first-of-its-kind Landmark Study. In this groundbreaking study, Shaklee collaborated with researchers from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health to evaluate long-term Shaklee supplement users. The study showed the overall health of Shaklee users was markedly better than non-supplement users. The study found that Shaklee users had 33% lower triglyceride levels, 11% lower cholesterol to HDL rations, among other things. It’s an amazing study and I know these products work because my family has been using them for over 30 years and my parents are some of the healthiest people I know. Here is a graph of some of the results of that Landmark Study.
- It’s been to outer space! Commander Mark Kelly, who took a picture with his vitalizer in SPACE! This is just plain cool – of course it might be awhile before they go up in space again but Shaklee is ready when NASA is. Another cool tidbit: Shaklee has been providing astronauts with a customized re-hydration beverage called AstroAde (a special version of Shaklee Performance) since 1993!? Astronauts experience General Re-entry Syndrome and some symptoms of this include vertigo, fatigue, gastrointestinal discomfort, disequilibrium and general debilitation occurring during reentry to earth’s atmosphere and immediately after landing. Not only do professional athletes rely on Shaklee supplements but astronauts do as well – pretty darn awesome!
- Ok I lied – there is a 6th reason I couldn’t pass up: Shaklee membership is FREE with the purchase of Vitalizer. This means you can get a 15% discount on all products. Who doesn’t like FREE and discounts….
Still not convinced?…