Have you heard of the scary 7 (additives)?

{from Hungry for Change}
1. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
2. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) [Read more…]
Creating a Healthy Family
Have you heard of the scary 7 (additives)?
{from Hungry for Change}
1. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
2. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) [Read more…]
How Well Do you Understand the Shaklee Difference?
Shaklee products – and the quality and science behind them – are unmatched in the industry. But how familiar are you with the many elements of the Shaklee Difference? [Read more…]
by Chandra Filed Under: Blog, Eat Clean, Live Green, Shaklee
Hi! I’m Chandra. Welcome to my new blog! I’ve had a website for years now, but thought a blog would be a more creative and flexible outlet so here I am. Welcome to my very first post and I am so glad to meet you!
I am a wife to the most amazing and patient man and a mom to the silliest, zaniest, most fun little dude ever! I dream of more quality family time with my boys, a healthy home and financial freedom. [Read more…]
This blog is meant to be a source of informative content about nutrition and health. None of the information on this site is intended to be medical advice. Instead, I hope you find this blog helpful as a learning tool and a thought-provoking information source. It should be noted that I do get paid a small commission for some of the products I talk about and link to from my blog. Your support keeps this blog running and is greatly appreciated.