Eating Clean means eating every couple of hours. A snack in between your breakfast, lunch and dinner is a part of a healthy lifestyle and can keep you energized while keeping your blood sugar and metabolism in check. However, there is definitely a wrong way and a right way to snack. You should avoid sugary items like candy and soda, and shouldn’t be consuming enough calories to constitute a meal. Instead, steer towards foods that will satisfy you and keep you feeling fuller longer. Fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet because they are low in fat and calories. (Just be sure to avoid high-calorie dips.). Yogurt, fruit smoothies, even a slice of whole-wheat toast all make great snacks during the day. Combining lean protein, some healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates will help you feel fuller longer.
Also, snacking ins’t grazing. Mindless eating is often the downfall of snackers. You may start with only a handful of your favorite crackers or chips, only to finish the entire bag or box, without even thinking about it or realizing it. Be sure to avoid this kind of mindless grazing.
I’ve put together a list of healthy and clean snacks to give you some ideas.I’ll be sure to add to the list as I go…
- Shaklee 180 Crisps {BBQ or Sea Salt}
- Shaklee 180 Snack Bar {Lemon Cranberry, Chocolate Chocolate, or Crunchy Peanut Butter}
- Shaklee 180 Sea Salt Crisps with 1 tbsp. spicy hummus
- ½ serving of Shaklee 180 smoothee
- 2 Scrambled Eggs with ½ English muffin, wheat toast , wheat crackers or Ezekiel bread
- 1 ½ tbsp. nut butter on ½ Ezekiel pita or tortilla
- 1 ½ tbsp. nut butter on ½ Ezekiel pita or tortilla w/1/2 banana
- 2 tbsp. hummus with 1 cup veggies
- ½ c cottage cheese
- ½ cup oatmeal {steel cut preferably}
- ½ cup with handful of berries
- 6 oz. Greek yogurt
- 1 small-medium apple {or piece of fruit} with 1 tbsp. nut butter
- 2 cups organic popcorn
- ½ cup Greek yogurt with handful of blueberries, ½ banana, ½ cup Ezekiel cereal or granola
- 3 egg whites with 2 celery stalks
- ½ can tuna with tomato and ¼ avocado {season with pepper}
- ½ cup cottage cheese, ¼ cucumber, ½ tomato {season with pepper}
- ¼ cup quinoa, ½ black beans, Pico {salsa Fresca or salsa} to taste
- 2 celery stalks with 1 organic string cheese stick
- 1 slice Ezekiel toast spread with 1 tbsp. nut butter
- 1 slice Ezekiel toast spread with 1 tbsp. nut butter and ½ banana
- 1 slice Ezekiel cinnamon raison bread {toasted} with ½ tbsp. butter and 2 egg whites
- 6 oz. Greek yogurt with ½ banana
- Organic string cheese stick wrapped with 2 slices of turkey {choose low sodium, organic and/or unprocessed whenever possible}
- 2 hardboiled egg whites and 1 small-medium apple
- 1 small-medium apple {or fruit of choice} with 1 tbsp. almonds, cashews or peanuts
- 1 small-medium apple with organic string cheese stick
- 10 cherry tomatoes, organic string cheese stick
- 10 cherry tomatoes, 6 oz. Greek yogurt
- 2 oz. smoked salmon, 1 tbsp. light cream cheese, cucumber slices, 1 brown rice cake
- 1 brown rice cake with 1 tbsp. nut butter
- 10 Lentil Chips {Simply 7 brand} with 1 tbsp. hummus
- 10 Beanito Tortilla Chips with 2 tbsp. salsa or pico
- 10 Beanito Tortilla Chips with ¼ avocado
- 2 celery stalks with 2 tbsp. light cream cheese, 8 stuffed green olives {sliced in ½ on top}
- ¼ cup Edamame-Ginger Dip with rice crackers or veggies
- ½ cup edamame with pods and 2 celery sticks
- ½ cup edamame and 1 small-medium apple {or fruit of choice}
Enjoy and remember when you go to the pantry or fridge for a munchie, be sure to make healthy choices!
Feel free to leave your snack suggestions in the comments below!
Photos updated 10-11-13:
Image credit: evgenyatamanenko / 123RF Stock Photo
Image credit: ljupco / 123RF Stock Photo