Naturally Healthy and Affordable
I have to boast that I have been using Shaklee Supplements for more than 30 years and I cannot even imagine what my health would be like without them! Ok I was something like 13 when I started using Shaklee products thanks to my parents {who at the time kind of had to force us kids to down some of those shakes and vitamins – they didn’t taste as good back then as they do now}! There have been times when I’ve fallen off my Shaklee program. Mostly because I was lazy and thought, I am young, I eat well, and I don’t need them like everyone else does. Pfsh. Was I wrong. I’d feel fine for about a month, but then I’d get tired, get headaches again and I wouldn’t poo as well. Yes, I said poo! Then the cycle would begin again, I’d get back on the products, feel better, then get lazy. And so it went. The younger I was the less I felt the change, but I tell you what – now that I am over 40, if I miss one day, I feel the difference. So for me, it’s just not worth it. These supplements are a ritual and my body loves me for it, plus so does my family – I am a much happier, fun going kind of gal when I have energy and no headaches.
I never thought all vitamins were created equal – but maybe you do!
You may believe so strongly that all vitamins are created equal that you may never actually look for the “natural” or high quality variety. You may not even think about or care about proof of absorption {this means the nutrients get into your bloodstream and are actually useful}? So, you may just buy the cheapest vitamins you can find – even find a groupon or coupon to save more. Why? Because you have bought into the popular philosophy that if you paid more, you were really just wasting your money and producing “expensive” urine! Wow! Don’t want to offend you, but you might be fooling yourself {your body isn’t fooled though – it knows the difference}.
So what might happen to change your mind?
“I got sick – and I mean not only sick but had multiple health challenges that refused to go away. After several years of buying the cheapest synthetic vitamins I could find, I was introduced to Shaklee Supplements when a good friend asked me the question “Do you FEEL different when you take your vitamins?” I could hardly say “yes” since I was getting unhealthier by the day – so “NO” I didn’t feel any different.” Anthea, Austin, TX
I promise that you’ll feel better in 30 days if you take just TWO of Shaklee’s nutrition products.
I bet you’re laughing in my face right now and if you aren’t, you might just be thinking I am crazy – I know, we’re friends I’m not offended – you can laugh. The truth is you are probably a little skeptical and may not even buy into what I am saying but if you are like many people these days too tired, have a constant heachache, grumpy, a few pounds overweight and just plain sick of feeling like crap – you may be at that point where you’re willing to take me up on my offer. All you have to do is get the Basic Program, pictured above, drink one shake and swallowed the two supplements right after – every day!
But don’t take my word for it!
“I really DID feel the difference – I had more energy and could stay up until 11:00 pm – which in essence gave me 3 more hours in my day. How so? Well before taking Shaklee I would be asleep on the couch at 8:00 pm. So after a month of using the two supplements I decided maybe I could feel even better, so added three more supplements to the daily routine. After 5 months all my health challenges disappeared. What a blessing!” Anthea, Austin, TX
100% Guaranteed
The Best of the Basics are Shaklee Supplement suggestions are all-natural, guaranteed and very affordable. In fact I’d go so far as to say they are the BEST VALUE of anything out there in the market, because they produce results you want and are not expensive.
Click here and check out the Best of Basics for yourself.
Then go to our online store and order what’s right for YOU!